Total Wellbeing

Total Wellbeing is an internal program at Leprino Foods that educates and encourages employees to use their benefits. The program had stagnated, and was being revitalized with a new strategy and added benefits, so naturally, the steering committee wanted to update the branding to go with it.

The new program categorized the company’s benefits into 5 categories: Professional, Physical, Financial, Mental, and Social. Its subsequent campaigns would have a variety of deliverables including posters, one-pagers, email headers, blog posts, and other physical and digital signage.

This program is about people. It’s about them being happy, healthy, and continuing to grow. Every time this brand was encountered, it should be a reminder for people to take care of themselves. Through many questions, conversations, and moodboards, the direction became apparent.

A 5-leaf plant icon, holistic typeface, and naturalistic greens to make it distinct, yet related, from the corporate red and orange. It’s simple, scalable, and friendly. Most importantly, it connects with people.

project from
Leprino FOods
Art Director / designer