That's Brenden with 2 E's. I know you didn’t catch that the first time, but it’s ok. It will be forever implanted in your brain that Brendens spelled this way are the best ones.
I’m a designer, animator, and art director from Denver, CO. As a kid I wrote stories about army men fighting bad guys and made comic books about the superhero “Box Ninja” battling other food-themed criminals. Now, as an adult, I still live to create art and tell stories. My skillset is in Motion Design, Animation, Graphic Design, Video Editing, Art Direction, and just being a really cool, humble, handsome guy.
If you want to work together to create a video, craft a brand, or tell a story that can make a difference, let’s chat.
It's called, "Tropical Kansas" and I can't share it yet. It was selected for best experimental film for March 2024, and will be submitted and shown at the annual program at the end of 2024. I co-wrote and edited the film with my brother, Ryan, another artist.